Syairah Anuar, 2011658602 |
Hello everyone, my name is Ira. Here, I would like to share to all reader about wedding culture in Malaysia. In Malaysia, there have many races and religious where Malay, Chinese and Indians and many other people. A wedding is the ceremony in which two people are united in marriage or a similar organization. Special wedding clothes are often worn, and the ceremony is sometimes followed by a wedding reception.
But today I would like to share to all about traditional Malay wedding culture in Malaysia. There are several steps for Malay’s wedding process. First, visit and observe or merisik, its purpose to ensure that the girl is still single. This process usually does by the family or representative of the men to visit female family of the men choice. Sometimes, the men representative will give a ring.
Engagement or bertunang is the men will be represented by family members and closest relatives to the ceremony engaged. Submissions like 'Barangan Hantaran' or presents consisting of 'Tepak Sirih' or 'Sirih Junjung', a ring, and some additional things like fruits, confectionery, clothing and many more will be given to the future wife.
Next, in Islam will be akad nikah (marriage contract) A Malay wedding proper begins with the akad nikah (marriage contract) ceremony. The groom signs the marriage contract and agrees to provide the bride with a mas kahwin. The mas khawin is to show that the men is willing and prepared to build a family with the lady he choose to get married.
After end of akad nikah, The actual wedding day is the Bersanding. This literally means the "sitting together of the bride and bridegroom on the bridal couch". The bersanding (enthronement) ceremony begins with the groom's procession with friends, relatives, musicians and people waving bunga manggar (palm blossom) to meet the bride. After the bersanding ceremony, the wedded couple and their guests attend a celebratory feast called the makan beradab (formal meal). This involves the bride and groom feeding each other sweetened rice. The celebrations are concluded by posing for family photographs.
Engagement (bertunang)
Marriage contract (akad nikah)
Wedding day (hari persandingan)
Very nice i felt while knowing your wedding cultures cultures for sure are the souls of civilizations and particularly in your culture i liked your customs and ways as even you present your Engagement Rings .